There’s strength in healing
Unhealed wounds create portals for spiritual and emotional oppression.
No wound’s too deep for healing. The process may sometimes be challenging, but the benefits of fighting for your breakthrough are well worth it.
Avoiding the pain that you once experienced or suppressing your emotions with things, misconceptions about who you are, or doubt about seeing a better tomorrow drives you to places where the oppression, depression, and negativity can roam freely like kids on a playground. Nevertheless, this type of playground doesn’t have to exist.
You CAN rise above your pain and turn it into fuel to create opportunities to make this world a better place.
In the thick of the storm, it’s hard to see your way through, but with deliberate steps, you can heal, you can be restored, and you can reach a level of freedom.
To experience this refreshing, you must do the work - even when it hurts.
So what does doing the work look like?
Acknowledge the hurt, wound, or pain that you have.
Connect with a counselor/therapist and actively participate in your sessions.
Forgive those that hurt you.
Forgive yourself.
Reassess and build an intimate circle of friends that speak life, hope, joy, and positivity into your journey.
Cut off ties that weigh you down.
Grow in your faith walk.
Know that your life has a purpose - your pain does not define nor disqualify you from walking in your divine purpose.
You’re not alone in your brokenness, but beloved, you can’t stay there. Staying in your brokenness is nothing more than a tactic to paralyze you from being your best self.
Yes, the storm sucks, and yes, the pain seems unbearable. Yet one thing remains true; the unfortunate event didn’t take you out because your story isn’t over. There’s more in you for reasons that we will discover the longer you continue to fight.
When you feel discouraged, go ahead and cry, but don’t quit. You can slow your pace, but don’t stop moving.
You are an overcomer, a champion, and known!
So let this resonate in your spirit as you fight to walk in your internal healing - “I can make it. I will live. And I am more than my circumstances!”
You got it, beloved. I’m rooting for you 🤗💫