Medicine for your day
He will not fail…
As I sit in a moment of reflection, this moment is slightly different than most. The “I wish I would have knowns” and the wonders of “how much longer” and “what can I do” have faded due to the light of “what is.”
In a world where darkness seems to be hovering over our communities like a thick cumulonimbus cloud, I can’t help but think of the people hanging on by a thin thread. Some credit the wine as their calming agent, while others say it’s time to disappear.
My heart aches for you.
I wish I could say the pain experienced to trigger these thoughts or actions is not true. The pain is very real.
Yes, you’re hurt.
Yes, you might feel alone.
Yes, the pain sucks.
However, you can make it through this storm. The distress can be healed, and you can come out of the situation stronger than how you felt before the unexpected curve ball smacked you in the gut.
Let’s pause for a moment because this thought needs to stick - YOU CAN MAKE IT!
Beloved, know that there is hope and that the greatness living within you isn’t buried during this dark hour.
What you once thought was dead is yet alive and is looking for you to cultivate it's resurrection.
No matter what you need, the world, alcohol, groups, people, things, etc., can’t fix the storm for you.
Someone might be asking, “Why do you say that? When I indulge, I’m able to escape the pressure.”
You have a point, you can escape, but it’s only momentarily. Also, when you come out of the momentary unconscious, the pressure hits multiple times harder.
If you’re willing, can we be honest for a second?
Okay, thank you.
The clothes fade, and the shoes wear out.
People leave you, break your heart, or let you down.
The high wears off.
The system may fail you.
The hangover doesn’t erase the emptiness.
The sex won’t heal the past hurts or make you feel worthy.
And the gambling won’t make up for the money you lost using your paycheck for a good time versus taking care of your family or living expenses.
If these things were sustainable or healthy, for that matter, you wouldn’t feel regret once you reflect on your actions. Also, it wouldn’t require twice as much indulgence to fill the hole the next time you participate in the act.
However, would you believe me if I told you there is something available that can heal your broken heart, be your friend when you are friendless, be a parent when you’re orphaned (or even feel like one), and be willing to love on you deeper than what you’ve ever experienced?
Okay, okay, okay….I know you may question this…but before you follow any trails of doubt or skepticism, take time and scroll through today’s graphics….
Based on what you just read, what do you have to lose if you believe and tap into something you cannot see?
When you’ve reached the bottom the only direction you have to look is up.
Now, beloved, I tell you what’s up is an opportunity to live WHOLE! The journey won’t be easy, but it’s fulfilling.
Plus, the main person walking with you remains consistent, so your relationship gets sweeter.
Trust me….my story isn’t picture perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I know what it’s like to anesthetize the pain with stuff and bay bayyy the junk wears off, or you find yourself in debt with someone or something, and the cycle deepens as it continues.
The bondage that comes with these forms of debt is the last thing I would ever want and desire for you.
You can still thrive, have joy, and walk in peace through your storm.
The choice is yours….
Now I know the steps ahead look steep or wide, but there’s no need to look too far in the distance. Take things one day at a time.
So right now, we can start by believing, hoping, and holding on to the understanding that there will be a better tomorrow.
From there, when something negative comes up, dig deep and say out loud at least one thing that you’re grateful for in that particular moment.
After that, every time you’re faced with a moment that requires a decision, ask yourself this question: “Am I selecting what’s convenient or what’s best for my growth journey?” If you’re selecting what’s convenient, I will challenge you to choose the best option for your growth journey. This option isn’t always desirable, but it’s rewarding and will yield fruit for a better tomorrow, as well as for those you’re connected to.
You got this, beloved!
You’re loved. You’re wanted. And you’re worthy of experiencing the fulfillment of walking in divine purpose.
Many blessings!🤗